Maui Mayor Bissen moves to Remove Thousands of Vacation Rentals through Repealing the Minatoya List.

Yes, this will affect you and you will no longer be able to vacation rent your place even though it's been a rental for decades. This WILL ABSOLUTELY PASS if you do nothing. CLICK HERE FOR THE MINATOYA LIST TO CONFIRM IF YOUR PROPERTY EFFECTED Minatoya List - PDF

Here is the link to the Proposal.

The Minatoya Ban process, concerning the regulation of vacation rentals in Maui, is currently in a critical phase. The ban aims to address the economic and constitutional implications, particularly the impact on property owners and the broader local economy. Clint Hansen has been actively involved in protecting the Minatoya rule, conducting radio shows with experts like Professor David L. Callies and state economist Paul Brewbaker. They have discussed the economic fallout and constitutional issues, including potential violations of the Fifth Amendment.

The community is divided but mostly in opposition to the ban: advocates for the ban accusing opposition of fear mongering and colonization, while opposition argue that the ban would harm the local economy, property rights and current efforts for building affordable housing. Significant efforts are being made to gather support and information, please direct all opposition to to sign up.

The timeline for the final decision on the Minatoya Ban is still uncertain. The process involves legal reviews, public hearings, and potential legislative actions. It will likely take several more months to a few years before a definitive resolution is reached. Active engagement and advocacy are crucial during this period to influence the outcome and protect stakeholders' interests.

Want to do something? Reach out to everyone you know that will be affected by this: cleaners, managers, workers, owners, business owners and anyone else you can think of for them to call, write and SHOW UP to testify. After you talk with them, FOLLOW UP and make sure they testify.